Installation of IPAS Cris Signer and IRWCMS/IREPS/IRPMS Signer on same time


While troubleshooting Cris Signer IPAS issue I identified that CRIS signer for IPAS works on Java X64 with listener port 2068 port and IRWCMS/IRPSM works on Listener port 2039 , IREPS has already introduced his separate IREPS signer which works on JAVA listener 2075 and it also works on EDGE too.


Now when monitoring installation and event logs , I found that both CRIS Signer for IPAS and IRWCMS/IRPMS are being installed on single path C:\CrisSigner and one is overwriting other and opening self-required port only.


So now as work around I downloaded both Signer version click here and installed them on 2 separate location like C:\CrisSigner_IPAS and C:\CrisSigner_IRPMS by changing path location when asked as mentioned in above screenshot


When installation is complete ,I made copy shortcut for respecting installation C:\CrisSigner_IRPMS\CrisSigner and C:\CrisSigner_IPAS\CrisSigner on placed them on desktop   after renaming as CRISSIGNER_IPAS and CRISSIGNER_IRWCMS

Now whichever signer tool is required and I close existing running CRIS-Signer by looking which port is open ( use date and time bar CRIS signer option to see which port is open..

(2068 is IPAS and 2039/2038 is other and   run other signer from desktop with administrative privilege after exit from existing one. 

Very Simple Tweak J



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