DSC Signer Service issues in E-Office

Is your E-Office DSC Services is still not starting and not prompting as below like this ( even you have followed all basic instruct which is provided to you)

Reason could be 

1. Java is not properly installed Click here and install Java and restart the system

2. If you are sure and Java is installed/updated on your system , another reason is port which is required by E-Office DSC Signer Service & ( Port 55101 and 55100) is being used by any other program in your system.
some identified program are 


we recommend you to uninstall these program as these are also not free and ask money to pay to be register 

use 7ZIP software which completly free and does not required any registration and same to use always. Click here to Download required version compatible with your system.

3. If above software are not the case then Follow below if Service is not running even after starting manually. 

Check availability of ports for HTTP and HTTPs 
http port: 55100 
https port: 55101 

Commands to check for availability of both ports 
(For example, I am using port 55101 in each screenshot; user can choose any other port to test) are mentioned below: 

For Windows 
Use cmd and  cmd/powerShell to run following commands in windows. 
Command: netstat –ano | find "port"

ie like 
netstat –ano | find "55100"  [Press enter] and 

netstat –ano | find "55101"   [Press enter] you can copy and paste if required 

in above screenshot 12008 is a unknown program PID which is using the DSC Signer Port 

now it is the time kill/close that program

Kill the service running at specified port ( not the PID like 12008)
Commands to Kill the services from port are (For Windows )

Use cmd/powerShell to run following commands in windows and use same screen which is opened 

Command: taskkill /f /pid [PID]

ie like 
taskkill /f /PID 12008 [Press enter]

Now you can start the DSC Signer Service from desktop and it should prompt like this



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