E-Office Setup Guide

Help Guide for E-Office Setup
Note - E-Office Website will run only on Railnet or Through  VPN on Other Network

Step 1:-

To Start working on E-Office Platform for file Management you required a GOV.IN like girish.0369@gov.in , if you don't have any such email ID contact to your Nodal Office assigned for E-Office .

Once your Departmental Data is collected and filled using
BUD ( Basic User Data) and 
and EMD ( Employee Master Data) 

E-Office Admin/Zonal Admin will create ID's with the help of NIC Team

Link to download ID Creation Annexures  -Click Here
( fill and submit the concern admin)

Step 2 
Once your GOV ID is Created you will receive a confirmation message from NIC , which will have your email and Password.

Step 3 - you can now login and start using your GOV id for any email communication at 

email.gov.in with provided details

Step 4- now it's time to Login to E-Office Web Portal

Link to Open Northern Railways E-Office Portal

Click Here ( https://nr.eoffice.railnet.gov.in)

( make sure you are on Office railnet internet connection or have VPN connection Enabled 
Note - if you don't VPN ID and  working from Home , then Contact to your Divisional NODAL Officer and get it enabled.  

Click Here if have VPN Login ID.

Other essential part while using EOffice portal is DSC ( Digital Signature Certificate) , which is a Digital Signature USB device link your identity 

TIME to Setup Working Environment for E Office  

for Windows Users

CPU: 2 GHz processor and above
              2 GB RAM and above
Operating system:
           Windows 7 and above

1. Make sure JAVA runtime is installed on your System , if not

Click here to download JAVA runtime 

Click here to check if your PC has JAVA runtime or not and update to latest version 

Now we need to install DSC Signer Service to make sure Digital Key is working for signing 

Once download , Extract the download Package and it will look like 
Open the Windows folder and install DSC_Signer_Service Package

Now Open Pre-Requisites folder and install certificate to your PC and make sure you Click on Local Machine while installing it and then Choose Certificate to Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab to install it 

now its time to restart the system once 
Once your system is restart - Open DSC Signer Service Test from Pre-Requisites folder , if you

 are unable to find it Open ( Click on link or copy and 

paste on required internet browser ) and your should get message as below
Follow this DSC Signer Service Test on Internet Explorer /Chorme /Firefox where Browser your are using and make sure it shows SUCCESS

if any case your system does not pass DSC signer Service test consult to your Nodal or call Divisional Helpdesk by installing below Software and contact over phone

Remote Support Application 

Quick Video Link for DSC Service Insallation -

EOffice User Manual Guide - Click here

All in One place Help Page ( Click here)

Email Diarization for E-reciept setup guide (All incoming mails can now be Diarized from mail account directly and can be further handled on eOffice as a receipt or can be placed on eFile and process it further.
) - 
Click here to download PDF guide
Mac Users Setup Guide 

follow below steps 
Step 1. Download Java & install - ( Click here)

Step 2. Download firefox ( ESR 52 - Click here

Step 3. Download DSC Signer Package ( Click here)

Step 4. - Download compatible software for your digital key from below website

Please Download the PDF Installation Guide to follow steps - Click here

Mac VPN Client LINK - Click here

Windows VPN Client Link - Click here


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